Blog Post Commenting

One of the tips always churned out for getting more traffic for your blog is to go out and comment on other people’s blogs. In turn you are supposed to respond to people who leave comments on your blog, and therefore build up a relationship with people who are more likely to return in order to respond, and comment on other posts.Lafayette College Library

However, many people find it hard to comment on other blogs, either at all or in what could be classed as a meaningful way. Just how many times can you write “nice post!” before coming across as insincere and lazy? How does that start a conversation to build up a relationship?

Quite often this is because the original blog poster has not provided a “hook” that the reader can latch onto in order to start something. This can be easier on free text posts like this, where the author can ask questions, provide tips or have a “controversial” stance on a specific topic (hopefully not TOO controversial!) that can spark some kind of debate.

It’s a bit harder for review posts, as it’s quite a personal post in revealing the author’s reaction to a certain item. I suppose the best opportunity here is when a blog reader has a different reaction to a book/film/item than the blog author. I’ve recently done some reviews of TV programs rather than books, and have had comments from people who haven’t seen the show (and now want to) or have been to some of the locations described and agree with my description of what’s presented on screen.

I have rarely read the same book at the same time as bloggers I interact with, but recently I’ve seen someone review a book, and I have instantly moved it to the top of my list in order to see whether I agree with her.  I have let her know that something will come out hopefully soon, and we can compare reactions.

As a blog author it can also be difficult to respond to comments. How are you supposed to respond to comments like “Nice post!”. Errm, thanks? Now What? If I don’t respond will this person get upset, but if they wanted a reaction, perhaps they should have written a more useful comment?

This post was prompted by someone commenting on a post and basically said “I’ve nominated you for a challenge, please visit my site to find out about it”. Excuse me?  Blatant case of clickbait, apropos of nothing at all, and no attempt at a developing a relationship (didn’t even make reference to the post they had commented on – even spambots can do that!).  Anyway went straight in the trash.

I’ve also had people try and submit review requests via commenting on reviews I’ve done of someone else’s book. 1) that’s unbelievably rude to both me and the other author and 2) I have a review policy that clearly states how and when I will accept review requests – and via comments is certainly not the way to do it.

So bloggers and commenters: how do you give people the opportunity to comment on your posts? What makes you comment on a post and how do you look to get a response back?  Do you ever feel guilty for not commenting on a post, or not replying to something written?



26 thoughts on “Blog Post Commenting

  1. For me, I will tend to comment if I’m interested in what the writer has to say, especially if it makes me think. Questions are always good too but I don’t tend to comment unless i think I have something useful to add. Sometimes “nice post” can be as teeth-grindingly annoying as no comments at all.

    And at least I know my mom will always comment. It’s good to have a superfan who you can rely on to like whatever you write 😀


    • Haha, my mother complained for months about getting posts from me, then asked if inhad read any good books recently. Told her to read the blog.

      I’m always trying to find a hook without having to resort to questions….

      Liked by 1 person

  2. To be honest, I think it’s the height of rudeness not to reply when someone leaves a comment, and if someone doesn’t acknowledge my comments I’m unlikely to keep visiting their blog! I try to insert a bit of humour into my reviews, or a controversial comment, or a great image, to give people something to comment on even if they’re not really interested in the book. I know what you mean about the ‘Great review’ type of comment but I think people use it just as a way of letting you know they popped in and read your post, so I’m happy to say Thanks and mean it.


    • Agreed! I don’t mind if people don’t click through to leave response comment on MY blog. However, I appreciate when they reply to whatever I said on THEIR blog. Of course I know people get busy and such, and that’s fine. But if I comment on ten posts and you never reply, and I see that you never reply to anyone else’s comments either, I will definitely stop leaving comments. What’s the point if apparently no one is reading them?

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s just plain rude! What’s the point of having comments in the first place? I can understand some blogs having no comments – a history of spam or trolling for example – it to not engage back at all?


  3. I try to ask a question in the bit at the end of my review posts – have you read any of these, how is your summer of reading going? I try to reply to every comment left although obviously delete spam ones and requests for reviews. Like FictionFan, I get bored if I bother to comment on someone else’s blog and they don’t bother to reply, and will eventually stop reading it.


    • Oh never thought of those questions! Mind, I tend to click through to your posts when I actually have something to say…..


  4. Yeah, Ive had a couple of nominations from people I don’t know for awards I’ve never heard of before or since, that seem to rely on follow back. I ignore them now as they never seem to go anywhere (esp since I don’t play whatever game is being played!)


  5. I try to comment if I think I have something at least more mildly interesting to say than “Nice post,”

    Often I like to mention something specific that caught my attention in the post. I don’t do this ALL the time. However, I can guess from some of the comments that some people have left me that they just skimmed the post to be able to leave their obligatory comment (in hopes I will go visit their blog, I guess?). Commenting on just the first sentence of the post or writing a comment that seems as if you think the post says exactly the opposite of what is actually says makes me side-eye a bit. :p So I like to leave comments that show I actually read and was interested in the post.

    I do agree reviews can be harder to leave comments on than other posts. Usually I’ll have to have already read the book myself, so I can say whether I agree or disagree. Otherwise the review has to say something specific enough that I can say something like “Oh, I don’t think I would like that type of instalove either.” If it’s a lot of generic gushing, it’s hard to comment on.


    • I read a lot of front list books, which I doubt many other people have read, so it can be hard for people to comment on. However, I’ve had some people comment on specific themes, such as how a certain book now makes them want to go to Paris, or have a lovely meal, which is lovely.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes! There seems to be a general attitude in the blogosphere that having ARCs and reading books “first” makes you “cooler,” but personally I’ve found that fewer people read the review if the book isn’t out or hasn’t been out long enough that other people have also been able to read it. I’ve started posting the few ARC reviews I do a little later, just to make it easier for other people to enter the conversation.


  6. Ever since I started my blog, eight years ago, I’ve always had a policy of publishing one post a week and commenting on ten blogs. I usually do more than that, but I’ve never had a week (so far) where I haven’t met this minimum expectation.

    My comments aren’t always deep or clever, sadly, but my hope is that others will see that I have thought a bit and shared my thoughts about what they have written.


    • I haven’t got such a target in terms of commenting, and am not sure that I’d be able to keep up with it even if I did! I used to publish every other day, but now it’s when ever I have something fit to publish


  7. Actually, I blog to share my love for literature and to tell the world about worthwhile books, not to inspire my readers to comments! Nonetheless, it’s nice to get some kind of reaction and I almost always reply to comments. Now that I’ve got rid of spammers writing off-topic with off-topic links, it’s much more fun to read the comments too ;-).

    Commenting on other blogs is a different matter. I seldom have the time and limit myself to posts that interest me (maybe four or five a week) because they deal with a topic that has been on my mind a lot, with a book that I’ve already read (and reviewed) or plan to read. However, I find it quite tedious to do so on wordpress blogs… because for some reason my comments (no matter if they include links or not) have been going straight into the spam folders for the past couple of months although I hadn’t commented on any blogs at all for more than a year! Besides, there are book bloggers who invite comments, but aren’t willing to accept even on-topic links to my blog meaning that they delete my comments (at any rate they are never published) and that’s really annoying!


    • and this one was spam-boxed too (along with another blogspot user)- I only found it on checking my admin page. It’s often because of wordpress objecting to the domain name – a quick google check and it blogspot does have a reputation for spamming blogs, which means unfortunately you are tarred with the same brush.

      Most of my commenters do stay on topic and I work on the theory that “if in doubt, delete”. I’ve never had anyone come back to complain!

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s interesting that my comments being spam-boxed is the result of a quick google check. I didn’t know. In any case, it explains a lot… On the other hand, I use to log in with my wordpress account where i have my blogspot blog (the only one that is public at present) as my web address.


  8. I usually leave a question or two at the bottom of my post, like you do too. 🙂 Personal things make me comment more than just a recitation of what someone is reading. I don’t feel guilty if I don’t leave a comment, because I usually try to interact with the person on social media in another way, if possible.


    • If there’s a “like” button then I will look to use that, rather than have no reaction, but ultimately i won’t feel guilty if I don’t comment. Likewise it does make me think whether I give my readers the chance To comment.


  9. I like to leave comments if I take the time to visit a blog and to read a post. I prefer if people leave comments instead of sending me an email comment, which seems to happen a lot. Email comments seem to get lost because of the sheer volume of emails each day. Sigh. I am always amazed at how many people tell me they read my blog but they never leave a comment, Ever. In fact a few years ago I considered closing my blog because I had no evidence of readership. When i said something about it on Facebook I got all kinds of comments there about how much my blog is appreciated. So I guess one can’t judge the blog by the comments.

    I am trying to be better about going back and commenting on every comment. I also have a blog roll call, blogs i try to visit every time they post and that is listed on the side of my blog page so I am reminded. This seems to help.


    • Interesting about the email comments – not something that happens to me. I will get a notification that someone has commented, but the comment is up on the blog for me to respond to.

      Nice tip about the blog roll – I try to remember to subscribe to comments if I’ve left one, simply so I can follow up on any further conversation, but sometimes it’s not an option (or I forget)


  10. Thanks for this blog post, now please excuse me while I run to my own blog to respond to all the comments! Didn’t know it was a big deal to not respond to comments on one’s own blog. I wasn’t intending to be rude I honestly didn’t know that people check back to see if anyone replied to their comments.

    So do people actually check the little box “notify me of new comments via email”?????


    • I know I check the box, even if it’s a blog I subscribe to. When you’ve taken the time to comment, it’s nice to know you’re not talking into the void


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